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Welcome! Bienvenidxs!


I'm Lina Aragón, a plant ecophysiologist and NatGeo explorer from Colombia. I am pursuing a Ph.D. in the Feeley Lab at the University of Miami.


​I want to understand how plants thrive under extreme environmental conditions without walking, talking, or seeing. How do they use available resources to live and co-exist, and how have their surrounding biotic and abiotic conditions shaped their functional traits? I look forward to deepening my knowledge of how plants might respond to climate change and the effects of this phenomenon on our planet. I am most keen about answering all these questions for tropical ecosystems.


I did my undergrad and first masters thesis projects in the Lasso Lab at Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia). After that, I went to the Messier Lab at the University of Waterloo, Ontario (Canada), where I did my second master's during the COVID19 pandemic.


You can learn more about my current and past research projects here. If you want to understand my nonlinear path check my CV (current as of October 2022).


Lina Aragón, M.Sc.

Ph.D. Student

Feeley Lab | University of Miami

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